Oral Care
Taking care of your oral health is about more than just brushing your teeth. Daily brushing and flossing is important, but other factors such as diet, habits, and genetics all play a role. The purpose of this page is to provide some basics and help you to attain the healthies possible smile possible!
Good Hygiene
Brushing for two minutes, twice a day, is recommended. Reaching the very back of the teeth, behind molars, is the most commonly missed area for most people. Be thorough and take your time when brushing.
For those with braces and other orthodontic appliances, brushing is even more important! Braces, expanders, retainers, and certain appliances have spots where plaque can easily accumulate. Reaching those touch spots can can be difficult at first but practice makes perfect. Remember that we are always here to help!
Our office has created a short, 1-minute instructional video on how to properly brush with braces. We hope you find it helpful!
How To Brush With Braces
A short, 1-minute video explaining all the tricks to brushing with braces!
Thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, and smoking are common habits addressed in our office. They all have the potential to cause harm and eventually result in permanent damage. Through awareness, education, and prevention methods, you have the ability to keep your gums, teeth, and jaws as healthy as possible.
Thumb Sucking
Babies have a natural sucking instinct that is not harmful and can provide comfort and soothe a natural instinct. However, as the child begins to develop their permanent teeth deep in their jaws, under those adorable baby teeth that will eventually fall out. Although the baby teeth are not a concern, certain issues, such as the growth and development of the upper arch, are extremely important.
Below is a before and after photo of a young patient of ours who was still sucking her thumb through their pre-teen years. Notice the back teeth touch but the front bite is wide open and her teeth do not overlap, making it almost impossible to bite into food.
Thumb sucking before and after transformation.
Tongue Thrust
The tongue is a very strong and powerful muscle. It has the ability to cause major problems in certain people who routinely thrust their tongue the same way. The enormous pressure over time is enough to cause tooth shifting and even change bites. Most people are totally unaware they are doing it. Diagnosis and awareness are half the battle. Besides orthodontics, speech therapy can also be helpful.
Many people come to our office seeking relief of TMJ symptoms. Pain and popping in the jaw can become unbearable. Orthodontics can help most people suffering from this condition.
The damage done from smoking is well known and includes decay, tooth loss, oral cancer, and more. Because the nicotine found in cigarettes is so addictive, it is best never to start! If you have already started, we would like to provide some tips for quitting.
Visit our Smoking Cessation Page for more information.