Patient Education
Links to patient information needed during treatment, from before you begin until after you've finished! Not all documents found here will be a part of everyone's treatment. This is a list of the most commonly used handouts in the office.
- Braces
- Braces Removal Letter
- Elastics Instructions
- Face Brace
- Forsus Springs
- Graduation Letter
- HA Paste
- Herbst
- Hygiene Steps
- Invisalign Refinement
- Invisalign
- Invisalign - Wean to Bedtime
- Lingual Wire
- Molar Distalizing Appliance
- Ozonated Tooth and Gum Support
- Periogard
- Pre Comprehensive Report
- Rapid Palatal Expander
- Rapid Palatal Expander Removal
- Retainer - Early Treatment Essix
- Retainer - Early Treatment Incline
- Retainer - Early Treatment Tongue Thrust
- Retainer - Early Treatment Adams
- Retainer - Fake Teeth
- Retainer - Tooth Positioner
- Retainer - Vivera or Clear
- Root Resorption
- Rubber Tip Stimulator
- Spry Xylitol Gel
- TMJ Splint Instructions
- Varnish Treatment