Virtual Appointments
A virtual appointment is done through photos and text messaging directly with the doctor.
The goals of our virtual appointments are to reduce patients' time in the office, avoid missing extra days of work or school and add flexibility for those with busy schedules.
We are extremely proud to offer virtual appointments and provide you with the same level of care as office visits, but from the comfort of your home.
The exact time on your appointment card really means nothing. Our computer system requires an exact time in order to schedule.
Virtual appointments are scheduled on Fridays but please send photos as soon as your email or text message reminders arrive on Tuesday of that week.
Steps for a Virtual Appointment:
Schedule your virtual appointment date.
You will receive an email or text message 4 DAYS prior to your appointment reminding you to send photos. This reminder will include a link to this website page, with the instructions and sample photos to help guide you.
Take current photos of your face and teeth as shown in our samples below. ** Note - It is very important that your BACK TEETH ARE TOUCHING in the photos!
Text the progress photos to 724-494-2933 along with the patient's name.
Once you have sent your photos, the doctors will carefully examine your teeth, bite, hygiene, eruption status and all other concerns pertaining to your teeth, bite and treatment plan. The doctor will be directly texting with you.
Drs. Spokane/Karski will let you know if your next appointment will be virtual or in the office.
Everything about the virtual appointment will be included in your personal records just like a regular office visit.
The office will contact you ASAP with any follow up appointments or special instructions from your virtual appointment.
Photo Instructions:
It is best to have someone take the photos for you, but if that is not an option, don't worry! The doctor will let you know if any additional photos are needed. Make sure your back teeth are touching and take photos just like these 6 below.
If you do not have lip retractors, use your fingers like in the gallery below:

Text photos to 724-494-2933 and remember to include the patient's name along with any questions or concerns you might have.
After texting the photos, you can expect to hear from the doctor within one week of your scheduled appointment date.
VERY IMPORTANT!! Must Read Statement Below:
When corresponding via texts, emails, photos, and videos, the information being shared is not encrypted. That means a third party may be able to access the information and read it since it is transmitted over the Internet.
* HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
* HIPAA was passed by the U.S. government in 1996 in order to establish privacy and security protections for health information
* The personal health information stored on our computers is encrypted but communications via text and email is not.
* Popular email services (ex. Hotmail®, Gmail®, Yahoo®) do not utilize encrypted email nor do cell phone providers.
* Technology provides a convenient way to communicate for most people. To accommodate this, the federal government included a modification to the HIPAA act.
* The guidelines state that if a patient has been made aware of the risks of unencrypted communication, and that same patient provides consent to receive health information, then a health entity may communicate with that patient and may include personal medical information.
By sending a request for virtual appointment, you are accepting the terms and conditions of utilizing non-encrypted communication to discuss personal health information.